The new clubhouse is open and fully functional. It’s a wonderful building and facility and it looks like it’s built to last. Everyone seems completely pleased. I certainly am.

The new bar with great TVs and sound.
After the round today, I sat down at the bar and chatted with a nice lady named Christine. We made small talk about the new building and she asked me how long did it take to build. At the time I couldn’t honestly remember, but I did tell her that I was the author of a blog on the subject. She found that extremely amusing. Christine, if you’re out there, it took about 13 months. The planning stages were much long than that. I seem to remember the city having meetings about it at least 3 years ago.

Imaging my pleasant surprise when I saw that not only was our old favorite Amberbock on tap, but also my real favorite, Bass Ale.


Lou was kind enough to take us on a little tour of the kitchen and the rest of the building.

Since it was scarcely above 55 degrees today, it was too cold to enjoy the outdoor patio overlooking the 18th green. I know I’ll enjoy it when the warm summer evenings come back.

Sam and I played with a great guy from Oregon named Hawkeye. He suffered cold weather and difficult pin placements with us today.
By the way, I happened to see Scott and we complained about the pin placements. He explained that this is to be expected from the groundskeeper who has to work the day after Christmas.

It would seem the employees, new and old, get along very well.

Here’s another view of the standard shot I’ve been taking. This will be the last one for a while.

Now that the construction is complete, should the construction blog continue? I have no idea. Someone will have to let me know. Nonetheless, I’ve enjoyed doing it and learning about blogs. So best wishes from the author, David Rickett. See you at the clubhouse (be certain to try the Bass Ale).
December 27th, 2008 | Category: Progress Report | Leave a comment